Setting Up a Valheim Server: A PineRiver Guide

Setting Up a Valheim Server: A PineRiver Guide

Why Choose a Dedicated Valheim Server?

Hosting a Valheim server offers several benefits:

  • Stable Performance – No lag or crashes caused by other players' servers.
  • 24/7 Uptime – Your world remains online even when you’re not logged in.
  • More Control – Customize game rules, mods, and backups as needed.
  • Better Security – Protect your server from unwanted players.
  • Optimized for Multiplayer – A dedicated server allows you to invite friends without relying on a single player as the host.
  • Future-Proof Performance – Dedicated hardware ensures your server can handle future updates and expansions.
  • Modding Capabilities – Add custom mods and plugins to enhance gameplay.
  • Faster Troubleshooting – Easier access to server logs and diagnostic tools.

PineRiver offers powerful dedicated Valheim servers optimized for gaming with Ryzen processors and low latency.

Requirements for a Valheim Server

Before setting up your server, ensure that your hardware and software meet the minimum requirements:

Minimum Hardware Requirements:

  • CPU: 2-4 cores (Ryzen recommended for high GHz)
  • RAM: 4GB (8GB recommended for multiple players)
  • Storage: At least 10GB free space (SSD recommended)
  • Network: A stable internet connection with low latency

Software Requirements:

  • Windows Server or Linux (Ubuntu recommended)
  • SteamCMD (to install and update the server)
  • Firewall and port settings
  • A stable power supply or cloud solution to prevent interruptions
  • Terminal access (SSH for Linux, PowerShell for Windows)
  • Backup solution to prevent data loss

Step-by-Step Guide: Setting Up a Valheim Server

1. Rent a Valheim Server from PineRiver

For the easiest setup, you can rent a Valheim VPS from PineRiver, where everything is optimized for gaming. If you prefer to set up the server yourself, follow the steps below.

2. Install SteamCMD

SteamCMD is used to download and update Valheim server files.


sudo apt update && sudo apt install steamcmd -y


  1. Download SteamCMD from Steam’s official website.
  2. Extract and run steamcmd.exe.

3. Download and Install the Valheim Server

Launch SteamCMD and run the following commands:

steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir /valheim +app_update 896660 validate +quit

This downloads the necessary server files.

4. Configure Server Settings

Locate (Linux) or start_server.bat (Windows) in your Valheim directory and edit it:

./valheim_server.x86_64 -name "MyServer" -port 2456 -world "MyWorld" -password "secretcode" -public 1

Replace MyServer, MyWorld, and secretcode as desired.

5. Open Ports in Firewall

To allow players to connect to your server, open the required ports.

Linux (UFW):

sudo ufw allow 2456/udp
sudo ufw allow 2457/udp
sudo ufw allow 2458/udp

Windows Firewall:

  1. Search for "Windows Defender Firewall."
  2. Add a new rule for UDP ports 2456-2458.

6. Start the Server


cd /valheim && ./

Double-click start_server.bat.

The server will now start, and you can connect via Valheim -> Community Servers or directly by IP.

Optimizing Valheim Server Performance

To ensure smooth gameplay, optimize the server as follows:

1. Use a More Powerful VPS or Dedicated Server

At PineRiver, we offer Ryzen-based VPS solutions, providing better performance than cheaper server options.

2. Automatic Server Restart

Restarting the server every 24 hours can prevent lag.

Linux cron job:

0 4 * * * /valheim/ restart

This restarts the server at 04:00 daily.

3. Optimize Network Settings

Modify sysctl to reduce latency:

echo "net.core.rmem_max=2500000" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sysctl -p

4. Reduce Server Lag with More Players

Use the valheim_plus modification to adjust server settings and reduce lag.

5. Active Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Set up log monitoring with a system like logwatch to detect errors and quickly resolve issues.

6. Automate Backup Solutions

Use a script to perform daily backups:

tar -czvf /backup/valheim_$(date +%F).tar.gz /valheim/worlds


Setting up a Valheim server requires some technical work, but it offers a much better gaming experience for you and your friends. If you prefer to avoid the hassle, you can rent a pre-configured Valheim server from PineRiver, ensuring optimal performance and stability.

Have questions or need help? Contact us at PineRiver – we are experts in gaming hosting!